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How to Use Property Records to Aid in Skip Tracing?

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When diving into the multifaceted world of skip tracing, a range of tools and methods come to the fore. One such crucial tool is property records. Property records, often overlooked, can provide a wealth of information on individuals, making the task of locating them significantly more manageable. Here’s how you can use these records effectively.

Understanding Property Records

Property records are documents that detail information about a piece of real estate. They include ownership details, transaction histories, and more. Essentially, these records can tell you who owns a property, when they bought it, how much they paid, and whom they bought it from.

Why are Property Records Vital in Skip Tracing?

  1. Direct Connection to an Individual: Property records often contain names and sometimes addresses, which can be a direct link to the person you’re trying to find.
  2. Indicators of Financial Status: If someone owns multiple properties or has recently bought or sold a property, this might indicate their financial health, helping to paint a more comprehensive picture of the individual.
  3. History and Patterns: The chronological data in property records can reveal patterns, like frequently relocating or buying property in specific areas.

Effective Methods to Use Property Records in Skip Tracing

1. Begin with a Name Search

Initiating your search with just the name can provide you with a list of properties associated with that name. This method, though basic, often yields valuable leads.

2. Use Property Record Databases

There are many online databases, like US Skip Tracing, that offer comprehensive property record searches. These platforms streamline the process, providing efficient results.

3. County Clerk or Recorder’s Office

Every county typically maintains property records. If you know the county where the individual has resided or done business, visiting the local county clerk or recorder’s office can offer in-depth records.

4. Delve into Tax Records

Property tax records can give insights into property values, tax payment statuses, and even outstanding liabilities.

5. Use the Address to Gather More Information

If you already have an address but need more context, using it to pull up property records can reveal ownership history and more.

The Ethical Considerations

It’s essential to approach skip tracing, especially when using property records, with ethics in mind. Always ensure:

  • You Have a Legitimate Purpose: Accessing someone’s property records without a valid reason can be considered an invasion of privacy.
  • Stay Within Legal Boundaries: Abide by state and federal regulations when accessing and using property records.
  • Respect Privacy: Use the information gathered solely for skip tracing purposes. Do not share, sell, or misuse the data.


Property records are undeniably a potent tool in the skip tracer’s arsenal. They provide a plethora of information, from direct contact details to behavioural patterns. Yet, while they offer significant advantages, it’s crucial to use them responsibly and ethically. With the right approach, property records can significantly aid in making your skip tracing efforts fruitful.

Frequently Asked Questions

Property records are official documents that detail information about a piece of real estate, including ownership details, transaction histories, and more.

Property records can provide vital information like ownership details and addresses. This data can directly or indirectly link to the individual one is trying to locate.

While many property records are updated regularly, especially in digital databases, there might be occasional discrepancies or delays in updates. It’s essential to validate crucial information if accuracy is paramount.

Property sale history can provide insights into an individual’s financial decisions, patterns, or potential relocations, aiding the skip tracing process.

While the essence of property records remains the same, specific information or how it’s cataloged might vary based on state laws, regulations, and local practices.

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